Unique Gifts Commemorating the World's Most Spectacular Places

Oxford Zipperpull-Pendant
  • Oxford Zipperpull-Pendant
  • Oxford Zipperpull-Pendant
  • 1 inch diameter
  • Cast in fine pewter
  • Lanyard hook attachment
  • Mounted on story card
Place Name: Mount Oxford
Elevation: 14,153 ft.
Coordinates: N38° 57' 53'' W106° 20' 18''
Location: Sawatch Range, Colorado, USA
MarkerSleuth Photo Contributor: Rick Roberts
Mount Oxford is one of the five Collegiate Peaks--peaks named after major universities. It was named by Jerome Hart (author of the classic Fourteen Thousand Feet) to honor his brother, Stephen Hart, an adventurous climber, Rhodes Scholar, and student at Oxford. Oxford is one of 15 peaks over 14,000 feet in the Sawatch Range; this range has more of Colorado's 14ers than any other. Offering gentle slopes, it is popular as a family or beginner climb. It is often climbed in conjunction with 14,197-foot Mt. Belford.